Welcome to Berglund.NET
The place to get the latest updates on the Berglund Family of St. Michael MN
Featuring brothers Carson and Dayne
and sometimes their dad and mom...Earl and Michelle!
We would love to hear from you. Email Earl earl@berglund.net or Michelle michelle@berglund.net
June 21, 2009
Missing my dad today but want to wish a wonderful day to all the Dad's - Grandpa's - Uncles - God Father's - Birth Father's - Brothers who I'm blessed to have in my life - and the lives of my children! Hope the day is great!
Carson and Dayne (with help from mommy) gave Daddy a new luxurious bath sheet Daddy likes big bath towels and can now toss the one he's been using since college.
I tried to get a nice picture of my 3 boys - they are all stinkers!
Carson in the Target Ad
Carson did a photo shoot for Target in May. We were told the photos would appear in the Target ad the last week of June so we've been waiting. This morning I was looking at the ad online and BAM - right there on the second page is Carson eating a Smore! It is so darn cute! I was very excited, ran upstairs screaming and scared the pants off of Earl. This was about 10 minutes before leaving for church so I couldn't even stop to get a paper!
After church Carson and I went to Target to get the ad, take his picture by the ad display in the store and "to get the ingredients to make those delicious Smores" Carson's had just about as many smores today as he did doing the shoot... I can't believe he doesn't have a tummy ache!
June 2009
Well, maybe summer isn't technically here as far as the solar cycle runs, but it's here as far as activity.
School is out! Carson is moving on to 2nd grade. He wrote the cutest letter to his teacher for the last day of school. I suggested that he write her a letter and tell her thank you and what he like most about 1st grade and then I left him to it. It is so stinkin' cute!
Dayne is happy to have Carson home all day - I think! I didn't expect arguing from my boys that are 6 years apart, but they do fight over toys and me and my attention. Just this morning Dayne and I were cuddling in the rocker and Carson joined in and climbed up on my lap and Dayne whined like "get away from her" but they will figure it out. Carson is learning to let Dayne see whatever toy he has because he will only want it for a moment and then will give it up.
Both boys are loving the beautiful weather to be outside. Carson has enjoyed playing with a new neighbor boy and the other kids on the block. Dayne loves to be outside and roll balls down the driveway so that mommy has to chase them - I should be skinny from all that running!
Our big project for the summer is building a deck. I wish MN was like SD and required the deck be build before the house is sold, but it's not so there are many many houses that don't have decks. Our house is 11 years old and we have been here for 5 years with no deck. It's time! Earl has been researching, drawing plans, watching deck building videos online and mapping it all out. Our goal is to have it done my the 4th of July. We also added a "playground" as Carson calls it - to our back yard. While visiting Earl's cousin Marie a plan was hatched to move the "playground" from her house to our house (her kids are almost16 and 13). It's here and Earl has power washed it and will be working to spruce it up adding a new canopy and some fun features. Carson loves climbing up to the fort and Dayne likes swinging.
Carson's casual modeling "career" had a fun twist this spring. I got an email for an audition for him - happens often, but this email had an attachment that seemed to be a script so we worked on it not knowing what it was all about. After talking to his "agent" we found out that Carson was audition for a MOVIE! Yep, an official movie filming in Hollywood! It's for a third squeal to the 'Meet the Parents' movies. He audition for Henry, the son of Ben Stiller character. The auditions were filmed here in Minneapolis and sent to LA. I thought all the auditions were going to be sent to the casting director, but when I got a call from Carson's "agent" I was told that only his audition and one other were going and that I need to send his resume. RESUME?! He's 7! He doesn't have a resume! So, I had to write a resume for my son - the model/actor! CRAZY! We haven't received word to pack our bags or have him on set in LA so we can assume he didn't get the part - but it's fun saying he auditioned for a movie! And like a friend said to me "his audition tape is in LA in front of a casting director...you never know where this could lead". Again, CRAZY! But we are having fun - both Carson and I are - so as long as it's fun we will keep doing it for fun and if Hollywood wants him we will make it happen!
CONGRATULATIONS to my niece CHELSEY who graduated from High School in Sioux Falls. Her grad party was so fun! We are so super excited because Chelsey will be only 40 miles away from us this fall. She will be attending St. Cloud State University. We hope that we will get to see her every now and then! I'm think two boys hanging out in a dorm room on a college campus while their parents have a date night sounds like a great idea! :)
I'm working to upload photos to the gallery of all our spring time fun so check it out.
Happy Mother's Day to all the Wonderful Mother's in my life!
To my Mom, my Mother-in-law, Sisters-in-law, Aunts, Cousins, Friends
- you have all taught me how to be a mother to my boys and I thank you for your guidance and examples!
To Crystal and Carrie - the wonderful and amazing woman who gave life to my children - I honor you both today for the gift of life that you brought into this world and for entrusting me with that most precious gift. I love you both more than you know! Please extend our best wishes to your mom's, the grandmother who holds their grandson in their hearts. Know that they are always welcome to hold them in their arms. God Bless all the Mothers, those that long to be, and those that forever will be.
Photo taken Mother's Day 2008
2009 April/Early May update:
This site is so neglected! Where have I been? FACEBOOK! Come on over and "friend" me. I tend to update and post there because it's so darn easy - but I will still be posting the bulk of photos here.
Let's see... what's happened lately?..... D is for Dayne and DETERMINED! I just keep saying this determination will serve him well later in life - but now can make a momma crazy! He seriously doesn't forget! I can get him out the garbage can or the dishwasher or the bathroom and re-direct him to a different activity and he will go right back to what he wanted to be doing! We try to keep the bathroom door closed at all times and I'm seriously considering blocking off the kitchen as he gets older and wiser he will find more to get into! But, this is just a baby being one! He is such a love, so fun to watch as he is learning new things everyday. He lights up when he see Carson and will follow and do as the brother is doing. Carson loves it... most of the time. Dayne has the best facial expressions I've ever seen on a child so young - he can work those eyes! What a dolly! We are so blessed to have him in our lives!
Carson - almost done with school. He has LOVED 1st grade and his teacher Ms. Lehmkuhl. He only wants school to be done so he can 'not have to get up so early'! I'm in total agreement on that point! He reads like a champ! I have loved watching that transition from wanting to read to being a full reader over the past few months! "Can I have a playdate?" are the words I hear almost everyday when he walks in the door from school. Our little social butterfly wants to be on the go, go, go! Last week he did another "job" for Target! He had such a great time doing it and they crew of the shoot were absolutely loving him! He had to eat s'mores and have his picture taken - what a "job"! The shoot was for the Target Weekly ad and will be in the Sunday paper the last weekend of June - get a copy and look for Carson! After a "job" I let him buy something with some of the money and the rest is going to his college fund. He bought another Webkinz - a cocker spaniel he named Graham - because he got to buy it with money he made eating Graham crackers. So, it's Graham the "cracker" spaniel! Ok, so mommy did suggest the name a wee bit!
Saturday, March 21, 2009
See the photo gallery for all the party photos
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Dayne J Thomas Berglund is ONE YEAR OLD!
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Carson is 7 Years Old!
Check out the photo gallery for all the birthday fun!
Thanks for the cards, emails, phone calls, and signing - Carson loved all the Birthday Wishes!
(about a week after video below!)
Look Out World - Dayne is WALKING
(10 months old)
Happy New Year! We hope all is FINE in 2009!
As you may, or may not, know Carson did a photo
shoot for Target in September.
At the shoot they showed me an example of the coupon book they were doing the
shoot for.
It was a coupon book that would be mailed out in January, so we have been
anxiously watching the mail box - nothing yet!
We don't know who will get them and what
gets you on the mailing list so we aren't sure if we will get one, but we will
try and find a way to get our hands on a copy.
BUT two of my online friends - one in California and one in New Jersey received
it today and sent me a photo!
We know it's out there and we know Carson
is in it.
So watch your mailbox and let me know if you get one!
Here is the a photo of his photo in the coupon book! (thanks to Renee for
sending it to me!)
We have been blessed this year with the arrival of a new son to love,
good health, a warm home, steady work, good friends and family
We wish the very best to all in the coming year and always!
check out the photo gallery for Dayne's first holiday letter
December 2nd, 2008 - REALLY? Is it really?
If we don't flip over the calendar can it stay November for about a week longer?
No? Shoot!
Well then for the faithful followers of Berglund.net I apologize, once again, for my lack of updates! I mean to do so much better!
I can't believe how quickly November came and went. It was just my birthday and BAM! We've eaten two Thanksgiving dinners and celebrated Earl's birthday and now it's Advent. Holy Cow time flies when you are raising kids!
Speaking of my adorable little rays of sunshine...
Dayne is 8 months old and a moving machine! He's theme song should be "Don't Fence Me In" and he wants to go! go! GO! He is crawling everywhere and pulls up to anything and walks along the furniture and loves to have anyone take him by the hand and walk around. He has been cutting the eye teeth which brings his count up to 6 and he loves using those choppers to eat anything! He is waking up in the night and I've been thinking it's the teeth, but now I think it's just a habit and a way to get a bottle and a cuddle. Stinker!
Carson is through 3 months of 1st grade and had a good report at conference. He is reading at a 3rd grade level and on his own (with some help daddy) is doing multiplication, just for fun! Crystal, he must get his love of numbers from you because it sure isn't from me! Carson is so looking forward to Christmas and has been "making" gifts for Dayne. He is quite resourceful. He is in cub scouts and enjoys the weekly meetings. He sold popcorn and wreaths so he can go to camp this summer. Thank you for your support!
Be watching your mailbox for Target Coupon Book at the end of December or early January - Carson did a model shoot and should be in a face in the book. I hope we get one!
Since I missed posting on Thanksgiving I just want to put it in writing - we are so Thankful and Blessed to have these two amazing boys in our lives. We are thankful that life was chosen for them and that we were chosen to lead them to live it.
Here is a photo of our little turkeys! (Carson was in an extra silly mood that day!)
Check the photo gallery - I intend to post more photos there if not now (nap time is almost over) than soon!
Halloween 2008
Doggy Dayne and Cat Carson our picks of the litter!
See the photo gallery for more Halloween pictures
October 2008
Dayne is now 7 months old and CRAWLING!
Check out the video
Dayne's Day in Court - September 25, 2008
Dayne's Adoption is Final
See the photo gallery for details of the Day
Dayne Celebrates His Half Birthday!
6 months have flown by while Dayne has grown!
Take a look back (click the photo to enlarge). More photos in the gallery
Favorite Photos
Multi Tasking Dayne....Fingers AND Pacifier!
and why two methods of comfort? 2 teeth coming at once of course!!
Brother Love!
Target Model Shoot - September 2008
This summer I sent Carson's photo into a modeling agency that my cousin Beth told me about. They called and wanted to see Carson in person. So I took him in and they told me that she had already sent his photo to a client. BAM, Target booked Carson for an coupon book flier!
Here are couple photos of him with the stylist and hair/make up getting ready
As you can see he will be wearing a red hat! The photo shoot was for a coupon book that is received by mail and it sounds like it gets sent out randomly...if you get one in January let us know! It will look something like this....
I couldn't be in the back studio for the shoot, but I could hear the crew (stylist, hair and makeup, photographer, assistants) laughing and enjoying their time with Carson. I could hear him laughing too and he said it was fun and wants to do it again. When they came back to get me they said he did great and deserved a Webkinz! A reward I said he could earn for doing well and listening and following their direction. Which they said he did very well. They were surprised this was his first shoot. So he got to spend a little of what he made (he chose the manatee webkinz) and the rest will be in college savings! YEAH!
In other news......Carson is allergic to LATEX!
Q. How do you know if your child is allergic to latex?
A. If he blows up a balloon and then looks like this....
Here's what happened.... September 7, 2008
Sunday, following mass at church Carson picked up a balloon advertising our
upcoming Fall Festival.
He was blowing it up in the parking lot. Once in the car he said his tongue
'hurt' from blowing up the balloon.
When we got home he realized he was having what appeared to be an allergic
reaction to the balloon.
He said his tongue hurt and was coughing like he was trying to clear his throat
and looked like he was crying.
His eyes were swollen and he had a rash on this chin and by his eye....he was
having an allergic reaction!
My in-laws ran to the drug store and talked to the pharmacist and we gave him
Benadryl and took him to Urgent Care.
By the time we got there the Benadryl had been working about 45 minutes and he
was doing MUCH better.
The doctor thought it was a latex allergy, gave us an inhaler and suggested we
see an allergist!
He has blown up/played with HUNDREDS of balloons and now this...an aquired
allergy! And yes folks, it can happen that fast and that sudden where there had
never been an allergy before. One other time Earl and I remember a little rash
around his mouth from blowing up a balloon, but it went as fast as it came and
didn't cause alarm...this one did! Monday we took him to see his Pediatrician
and he diagnosed him as now allergic to latex and prescribed an Epi pen to have
near Carson at all time. We are now educating ourselves, Carson and school staff
on where exactly latex is found...balloons, gloves used in the nurses office and
lunch room, rubber balls in gym, band-aids, we've even heard erasers and some
foods! We have a lot to learn to keep him safe.
School Started! Carson LOVES it! I HATE the 6:30am alarm. It should motivate me to get up and get things done before Dayne wakes up, but I'm not motivated! Next week will be better...right?! Check out the photo gallery to see what Dayne's up to while "the brother" is at school.
It's still August and I know I'm running behind on photo galleries and updates, but when school starts next week I'm going to have hours and hours everyday to update the site! YEAH! RIGHT! But Dayne is my "sleep bear" napper, so I should be able to catch up some day. Until then enjoy the photos of Carson at school open house. He can't wait for school to start! I hope he's always this excited! In Dayne news...he's great! 5 months old now. No teeth yet, but working on it! Pictures to come.
As it does each year, summer is wizzing by! Here we are in August!
Happy 25th Anniversary to Jeff & Cami! Way to go! Here's to 25 more glorious years of married bliss!
Carson is officially 6 and a half. When you are a kid it's a big deal to be your age...and a half.
Dayne is tipping the scales at 14 pounds and found that his fingers are made of sugar! Well, we think they must be as he has them in his mouth all the time!
Here is a photo to show how big both boys are getting!
I had to have a re-do on a Root Canal. If you really know me, you know the dentist is the very last place I EVER want to be so it's mentioned here to show my bravery and stupidity all in one. Bravery that I FINALLY did something about it, stupidity because it took an infection and some great pain to get me to go in!
In better news...well at least a fun event...The Berglund Family Summer Vacation was an adventure to beautiful Sioux Falls, South Dakota! I miss that town and enjoy seeing family, friends and all our favorite foods we miss so much!
Check out the Photo Gallery for details and photos of what we have been up to (but so, no photo from my dental visits...see me in September and I'll show you my royal crown!)
Still to come in August........ Day out with Thomas...Ivanhoe's Polish Days...Tastefully Simple National Conference...Our 11th Wedding Anniversary....Minnesota State Fair....the end of Summer! Whew...I guess there is still a lot left to happen, do and see! You'll have to check back later for all that fun!
We hope everyone had a safe and enjoyable July 4th holiday! We have a quick couple of updates!
Here are some shots of Dayne outside lounging at the Drott's Beach!
Also, Carson and Earl went to the Minnesota Science Museum and got to see the Star Wars Exhibit!
Happy 4th of July
I've update the photo gallery with photos from our weekend Up North.
Crazy matchy mommy strikes again!
This time my boys in the same "My First 4th of July" outfit...
Carson Dayne
July 4, 2002 July 4, 2008
Hello and Welcome to BERGLUND.NET
Many of you may be finding us for the very first time after receiving Dayne's birth announcement!
Yes, there is a new member of the Berglund Family!
If you scroll down on the page a little bit, you will find the story of our journey to Dayne. But for those who first heard of Dayne's arrival with the birth announcement I know the biggest question is "When did you get him" and the answer is... the day after he was born. Then your second question is "What took you so long to send out birth announcements" and the answer is... two kids is a lot of work! My goal was to announce his birth before his high school graduation...so SUCCESS! I got that done! Actually I got it done before he reached 3 months old, so again, feeling proud of myself!
The other questions we get asked..."Haven't you been waiting a long time?"....well, the answer to that is relative I guess. Can you ever wait too long for what is right? We were waiting for Dayne and we waited just the right amount of time. But if you are looking for a number it was 2 years since we began working with the agency and about 18 months that our profile was active to be shown. We were shown 5 other times before Carrie and Ed chose us. "How is Carson adjusting to being a big brother?".... he LOVES it. He loves Dayne. He is a big helper. He prayed for a baby and God answered his prayer...even though he wanted a sister...he loves his baby brother and loves when he gets him to smile. "How is it having a baby after 6 years?".... it's like riding a bike, it all comes back to you! Even what you tried to block out! The sleepless nights were an adjustment, but I'm so old now I must require less sleep, so it was a bit easier this time. And not having to get up for work at 5:30am like I did with Carson is a MAJOR bonus! Dayne now sleeps from about 8:30pm until 6am...good boy! Good boy! "When will you start the process for baby #3?".... well, unless God has other plans for us, we feel that our family is complete. Carson would like 2 girls added to the family, but that is the day he learned the word symmetrical...and how our family wouldn't be. I grew up with boys and now I'm the mom of boys. I think it's perfect!
So, to show you around the site...on this page you will find a little information mainly on the Berglund Brother's Carson and Dayne, sometimes Earl and I do something interesting and we put that on here too! See up above there where it says Photo Galleries? Click on that and it will take you to...well, guess where...the photos! I've tried to catch up since Dayne's arrival, but again...2 kids...busy! Each page will also have more info on the event photos were taken. You can click on the photos to enlarge too.
That's our website. You will find it's been around for a long time...well, at least 4 years I think. We used to have a guest book, but it got spammed so Earl too it off, but don't let that stop you from contacting us. We have email! michelle@berglund.net or, that's right folks... earl@berglund.net
Enjoy the show that is our family!
Last day of Kindergarten - June 3, 2008
Today was Carson's last day of Kindergarten? How did that time fly by so quickly? I can't believe that my baby is now going to be a big 1st grader! We have 90 days to savor the summer! We are completely un-scheduled for the summer....no soccer this year, no classes, no camps, no nothing! We are going to take it a week at a time and enjoy! We are going to travel (as much as Dayne - the not so fond of the car seat baby) will let us. We are going to have friends over for play dates and just have an old fashioned wake up and do whatever we feel like summer!
Check this out....
First day of Kindergarten - September 2007
Last day of Kindergarten June 2008 (yes, he wore the same clothes!)
Did he grow? Does his brain look bigger? He's WAY smart now!
Look at the Brothers!
Yes - I did this on purpose!
Same onesie...Same blanket...2 babes...2 Smiles!
Carson's First Smile April 2002 ...................Dayne's First Smile May 2008
Carson Dayne
I prayed for this child and the Lord answered my
prayer and gave him to me.
Now I dedicate him to the Lord
He will belong to the Lord all his life ....Samuel 1: 27-28
Dayne was baptized on Mother's day - Sunday May 11, 2008
God Bless Dayne
Dayne J Thomas Berglund - a child of God
Watch the video http://youtube.com/watch?v=SsayIVZ2BLA
(and by the way the baby crying is NOT Dayne and if you have a good ear, yes, Fr. Becker calls him Daniel not Dayne)
Our family at baptism - how cute are all my boys!
God Bless Dayne's Godparents: Heidi & Mike, Marie, Greg, and Chelsey.
Today is MOTHER'S DAY!
To Crystal, who chose life for Carson and shared him with me to care for. You were the first to give me the gift of Motherhood and today I celebrate with you as a mom. We love you!
To Carrie, who chose life for Dayne and shared him with me to care for. Once again, and because of you, I know the beauty of loving a child as a mom and celebrate this day because, and with you. We love you!
To our son's Grandmothers - those that hold them in their arms and those who hold them in there hearts, we honor you today!
Six Weeks Old
More than a month!
Dayne is now more than a month old! The time is flying by.
He is an eater! We have been joking that Carson needed a 6 year jump start to grow as Dayne is going to catch up fast! He is currently taking 4 ounces every 2 hours. He is "asking" for it every hour and half! We loving refer to our big eater as Moose! His fingers are getting chubby, which is so cute!
He is stretching and as a result is longer and growing out of some newborn clothing. We've also had to jump up to size 1 diapers!
The birthmark (photo available in the gallery) is growing out so we think it's a hemangoima, which is the best of the options....so YEAH!
Dayne is on the verge of giving us real smiles, but we do love the gas ones he presents! Speaking of gas...poor guy was tooting and hurting so we switched formula and so far that is helping the situation.
Carson is doing GREAT as a big brother - SO helpful and caring to his little brother. He feels very important getting us diapers, and running for pacifiers and loves to hold the bottle to help with feedings. Dayne is now sharing a bedroom with Carson since the we moved him into the crib and Carson is a great protector. They are going to be great buds!
Dayne three weeks old!
more photos in the photo gallery
With great joy we welcome to our family
Dayne J Thomas Berglund
Arrived Wednesday March 19, 2008
Weight: 6 pounds 6 oz
Length: 19 inches
Yes, that's right! The baby has arrived! We were scheduled to meet with Carrie and Ed on Thursday March 20th, but a little someone wanted to be there too! We got a call at 11am Wednesday morning letting us know that Carrie was in the hospital at 10:10pm we received the call that IT'S A BOY!
The next morning we told Carson the news that he was a BIG BROTHER...you can check out his reaction. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XJ4pztG7ZLg&feature=related He was a little bummed that he wasn't at our house right that minute!
We did go to the hospital that day and met Carrie and Ed. Two wonderful people that we feel blessed and honored to now know. And then we met their baby son. They asked us to give him a name and we chose Dayne J Thomas. Dayne is a name we like. J, and yep, just the initial, was chosen in honor of our moms Jan and Judy, Thomas, as you may have guessed, was Carson's choice after his favorite toy trains. We thought it sounded nice and was fitting. And in an unique sign that God is good Dayne's name has more very special meaning. Jay Thomas is the name of Carrie's dad! A fact that we did not know when we named him. We are thrilled that Dayne's name is so connected to his birth family too! It's almost too amazing!
Dayne is now 10 days old and unbelievable how quickly that time has passed. He is a very good baby and even though we are loosing some sleep at night every second is worth the joy he brings! Carson is loving him! At the first visit to the doctor this week Carson was instructed to kiss him only on the toes (as to not infect Dayne with any germs) and our rule follower is doing just that! And if we kiss Dayne we get the reminder "just kiss his toes!"
For your viewing pleasure, yet another video....Carson introduces Dayne.
I PROMISE! More pictures will be in the photo gallery soon!!
I need uninterrupted time to do that! 2 boys keeps me BUSY! Happy Busy!
Until then here are a couple of photos
Wearing Carson's premie clothes
With daddy he looks so very little!
Mommy looks tired! But is oh so happy!
A family of 4! (can you believe self photo is all we have!)
March 11, 2008
Carson wants to play a little game with you.
It’s called “Guess What We’re Getting?”
After you click the link to watch the video, scroll down
below for the details!
Yes, that’s right! A
We have been chosen by an expectant mom to receive her baby for adoption!
The facts, as we currently know them….
Due date: April 8th, 2008 (could be sooner, could be later)
Location: Willmar area
Gender: Still a surprise!
Names: To be determined (knowing the gender will help!)
We are going to Willmar on Thursday, March 20th to meet C.
Please keep her in your prayers as she makes this decision to place her child
with us.
It’s been almost 18 months since we began the wait for our second child.
We knew that God had our son or daughter hand picked and that the lessons on
this journey would be many, we didn’t know they would be so
wonderful…..patience, faith, persistence, hope, growth, love, peace and so much
more has been shown to us along the way. We can’t begin to thank all of you for
your unending support, prayers, love, and encouragement!
-The Berglund’s
Currently a family of 3….soon to grow to 4!
For older news, head to this LINK!