We headed to Sioux Falls, SD during Carson's Spring Break week. While there
uncle Jeff took Dayne's 1 year photo (not posted here) and some of Carson too.
Then we went to Larchwood, Iowa to see the Jones Family and then to Ivanhoe for
time with Grandma Jan.
WARNING: I let Carson have the camera for a while while at Grandma's house.
He was snapping photos of everything! I actually edited out what I posted here,
but left many as it's fun to see the world through his eyes! I remember getting
a hold of a camera when little and shooting a roll of film - remember film - and
processing and actually photos you held in your hand! It's much easier (and
cheaper) to let a kid have a digital and go for it!
Visiting the Jones Family in Iowa
Raise your hand of these girls need a new baby to play with
Berglund Boys and Jones Girls
Kara and Macey wondering - 'why do boys act so weird?'
Kara & Macey Jones - too darn cute!
Dayne loved the baby dolls
On the way back to Sioux Falls from Iowa Carson felt his tooth was going to fall out so he is going to catch it
And it's outta there!
The Burrow - Chad's house in Brookings
The cool shower curtain Carson bought Chad
There's where we live
Chad's room
Chad making the boys lunch
Such a good host
Carson making a sign for all guests of The Burrow to see
art work on the fridge
In Ivanhoe - the next series of photos is Carson's attempt at photography
pictures of pictures became his next obsession
then he went outside
is this considered a self portrait if you take a photo of yourself?
The wall of Grandkids - grandma needs to rearrange to get Dayne's 1 year photo on there now
ah yes...the kid classic photo - a picture of something on tv
Chad and Dayne
Aww.. Grandma Buffy!
I grabbed the camera to capture the newly toothless smile
Carson back at it - seriously I edited these way down, but think some are funny and remember doing this back when I was little
Riley upside down
Taylor major CHEESE
self portrait
he got me
Mommy and Dayne
Carson's first Rosary - he bought it at the silent auction at church
On our way home - Dayne is sacked out!
Carson is crazy!