Happy 1st Birthday Dayne

365 days have passed and that makes our baby Dayne ONE YEAR OLD!

What a wonderful year it has been! Dayne is such a joy and each day is a blessing to have him in our lives.


Good morning Birthday Boy in new pj's!

Our monkey on the go!

Hey, what's this?

Coloring at TJ's

Out to eat for his Birthday

Brother love

Carson gave Dayne is cookie for his birthday treat

Present from big brother

Wow! A truck

Present from mommy and daddy

lots interest in unwrapping

Party time! Cute Cake!

Grandpa and Dayne

Party guests

I love my entry way! It's so spacious! NOT!

The downstairs party gang!

Ready for some cake Dayne?

Hey, there is my brother!

Yummy, frosting!

Let me get it!

Oh this is good

Daddy is going to light the candle

Happy Birtday to You!

Carson will help Dayne blow out the candle

Oh man this is good stuff

What? There is something on my face?



You are cool Chad

Can I wear those?

Chelsey you are a star!

and now you are a goof

and now you are crazy!

Cuddling with Uncle Scott

Birthday Boy

on the move

With Auntie Tracy

Mommy loves you Dayners