Easter 2007

We stayed home in St. Michael for Easter.

Carson woke up to find a trail of treats left by the Easter Bunny.

We went to Easter Mass at St. Michael Catholic Church and then to Perkins for brunch.

It was a nice relaxing family day.

Bunny Ears and Basket

Carson woke to find a basket and the bunny ears he made at school waiting for him.

On the Trail

Carson started off hopping to each treat, but soon grew tired and had to just walk


They were even behind the curtains

Found it!

The trail of candy lead to a filled Easter basket

What's in this?


A Thomas train, a chocolate bunny, new chalk


What's this?

Another basket?

This one was from Mom & Dad

Happy Easter

Boo boo

Just as we were headed out the door Carson feel and hit his cheek. So he sat in church with an ice pack.

Carson and Ella

Carson pretends his doll, currently named Ella, is the baby sister he longs for.

Family Photo

Daddy, Mommy, Carson

While in Grand Rapids Grandma Judy and Liddy helped Carson make egg people. This is our family!